Friday, December 14, 2007

Winter Bicycling

Originally uploaded by paynehollow
I'm posting this one more for the folk in the midwest and northeast, as we're not experiencing any winter weather here in Louisville just yet.

In fact, here in Louisville, it's pretty easy to get around on foot or on bike year round. We have VERY few icy road days. So, I'm posting a nice little excerpt from a fella associated with the group. The author lives in Alaska and I'd reckon knows a bit about cycling in winter weather.

After 6 years of daily commuting to work on a bicycle year round I have to admit it is far more practical than even I would have thought. At first I was just doing it for the exercise. But then it became obvious to me that I was having an easier time getting around than most of the drivers on days when it was really slippery.

Further, drivers always arrive at work complaining how cold it was. I would arrive warm and awake.

Drivers would rush out of work early to start their cars so they could ride home in a warm vehicle. They would then let them idle for anywhere from 10 minutes to half an hour. I never idled my bike. It was always warm enough for the ride home.

Drivers would get stuck in snow. (I used to stop and help, now I just ride by and wave).

Most of all it is just plain enjoyable. The air is fresh and clear, it is usually dryer in the dead of winter which keeps your bike cleaner. Riding in falling snow is quiet and peaceful. Making the first track on a road in the morning is fun.

So there you have it. Dress appropriately, be safe and have a healthy winter. However you get around.


  1. Looks vry practical and even a lot of fun
    Keep warm and dry :)

  2. Some Louisvillians even have taken to mopeding, another good mode of transport I hear.

  3. Brd, did you hear how some Louisvillian Mopeders were getting around in the dark in their first days after getting said moped?

  4. wowsers! that's pretty cool! i never would have thought about it actually keeping you warm!

    love the picture as well!

  5. I'm sure that their are many frightening things that I do not know about how Louisvillian mopeders behave. And perhaps, in this case, ignorance, if not bliss, is better than knowledge.

    Have a very Merry Christmas Dan!
