Monday, July 2, 2007

Scum and Scummier

Originally uploaded by paynehollow
Pardoning of croneys should be a crime in and of itself.

But this was no surprise, considering Bush began his administration by hiring convicted liars (Abrams and Poindexter, et al, who lied about the Reagan administration's participation in war crimes in Nicaragua in the Iran/Contra scandal).



  1. Were you expecting roses to grow from a sewer?

  2. I'm only surprised that it took this long and that he only commuted the sentence rather than giving Libby a full pardon.

    What will it take before Pelosi puts impeachment back "on the table?'

  3. What? Impeach Bush so that Cheney can be President? Yikes. Scarey. At least Bush will occasionally listen to some slightly moderating voices like to Powell or Condi. No so with Cheney. Of course, they both could be impeached....

  4. Jonathan, the impeachment movement is working on impeaching Cheney first. There is already a bill in Congress. That way, a president Cheney won't be able to pardon Bush.

    Impeach, remove from office, then prosecute in courts of law. Then a brief-term President Pelosi could remove the troops and close Gitmo without waiting until '09.

    Of course, one reason why Pelosi is so set against impeachment may be because it would end her career. She would have to resign her post as Speaker and her seat in Congress before taking the oath of office as president. Then, when she was replaced at the inauguration in '09, she'd have NO office.
    But she would go down in history as the first woman president and, for all her problems, would be a better choice for that honor than Hillary.
