Sunday, June 17, 2007

Canoe Trip!

Dan, Hanae and Sarah
Originally uploaded by paynehollow
The youth group from Jeff St took a canoe trip yesterday to Tom Wallace Lake in Jefferson Memorial Forest. I haven't been out to that particular lake in many years.

It's much smaller than I remembered.

Nonetheless, everyone had a good time - it was the first canoe trip for at least some. I've posted some more photos of the trip over at theJeff St blog.

We go to the river's edge for comfort, spiritual renewal, meditation, solitude; we go to the river to feel and know the continuance of life.

Henry David Thoreau

It is pleasant to have been to a place the way a river went.

Henry David Thoreau

The Sun shines not on us but in us.
The Rivers flow not past,
But through us.

John Muir


  1. In 1957, my father purchased an antique canoe, a 19ft Hayward canvas type which had sat in a backyard for fifty years. We spent a year replacing thwarts, gunnels and ribs, recanvasing and finally fiberglassing the craft. So, as a young teen I was introduced to the streams of north
    Wisconsin and Minnesota; pathways of the voyageurs. When I married, we bought our own canoe and carried on a tradition of stowing
    the camp gear in the bottom and taking off down some stretch of river for 2-5 days of fishing, swimming and camping on islands, typically without seeing another soul. Now, the old craft lies in the garage gathering dust; but I can still make out the painted names of each river we 'conquered'..the Crow Wing, Chippewa, Red Cedar, Namekagon, Eau Plaine, St. Croix, Flambeau...and be reminded of each limestone bluff, the falls to be portaged and campsites near entering creeks. Sigh...gotta get out the old box of photos. Thanks for the reminder of joyous days!

  2. And thank you for the pleasant memories.

  3. This post reminded me of a comment you made a long time ago about following the river home. I think it was in regards to dharma bums writing exercise about getting lost, but I'm not sure. Glad to see you paddling. Is that your Mad River Canoe? I've got two and love them.
