Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Be Afraid, Be Verrry Afraid...

Jordan and Dylan - Halloween
Originally uploaded by paynehollow
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Where do things stand with New Hampshire Democrats since the Democratic presidential candidates debated in Manchester June 3?

The CNN/WMUR/New Hampshire Union Leader debate did exactly what it was supposed to do. It helped the New Hampshire voters sort out the candidates.

In early April, New Hampshire Democrats were all over the place. The front-runners -- Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-New York; Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois; and former Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina -- were closely matched. Clinton was at 27 percent, Edwards was at 21 percent and Obama was at 20 percent. It was essentially a jump ball.

Who jumped highest after the debate? Clinton. According to a new CNN/WMUR poll of New Hampshire Democratic primary voters released Monday, the New York senator has surged into the lead, with 36 percent support. Obama has held fairly steady at 22 percent, while Edwards has lost support. He's now at 12 percent.


Just give the Dems a gun and let them shoot themselves in the foot now... You give them a broken Republican Party and the Dems are STILL trying to mess up what should be a shoo-in.

Well, at least the Dems are being even-handed. Sure, they'd win in a landslide if they offer just about anyone but Hillary, but where'd the challenge be in that? I reckon they're trying to make it a closer race. Makes for better TV.

Still, it's early...


  1. Do you not want her to be the nominee because you disagree with her or because you agree with but believe she's not electable?

  2. Both.

    1. I disagree with a lot of her positions (her support for the Iraq War being a preeminent one).

    2. I don't think she's electable in the general election... or, given the weakness of the Republicans right now, at least she's LESS-electable.

    3. And, I doubt her honesty and integrity. I think she's an opportunistic politician in the worst sense of the word supported by the Old Guard of the DLC. See my earlier post for at least one reason.

  3. Edwards is still in the lead with Obama close behind in Iowa. But both have to do better in the debates. Hillary is using the old, "look presidential and rise above the fray" tactic and its working. They have to expose HER problems. Instead, in debate #2 Obama and Edwards spent more time debating each other--on important points, but still. The point is to overtake Hillary, not let her look presidential and wise while "the boys" fight.

    The GOP field is so weak now that I think Hillary is electable, but not as easily as Obama. And I believe that everybody but Biden in the field has more progressive views than she does. So, I don't want her to get the nomination.

    One thing, women are turning out to vote for her. They are not passing up this chance for the first woman president. They are the exact percentage of her lead over Obama. They CAN be turned around if her positions are exposed as harmful to women (and they are), but, to do that Obama and Edwards have got to get her talking. They can take on each other after she drops off of frontrunner status.
