Thursday, March 29, 2007


Swamp Eye
Originally uploaded by paynehollow.
“If Congress fails to pass a bill to fund our troops on the front lines, the American people will know who to hold responsible…”

~George W. Bush

But that’s the problem for Mr. Bush, isn’t it? We, the people, know exactly who to hold responsible for the quagmire in Iraq.

Natural consequences are never fun when we’ve made poor decisions.


  1. The best outcome would be for Bush to veto this bill and Congress refuse to give him the money without a deadline. Then, with no money, he has to start bringing troops home. What I am afraid of is that after Bush vetoes this bill, Congress will roll over and give him what he wants out of fear of "failing to support the troops."

    The key will be the blue dog Dems and the moderate Republicans. All peace groups should contact members in their districts and get them to know that if they do the right thing, they will be supported.

  2. My concern at this point is that, now cornered, the administration might do something irrational (I know, I know, what are the chances) to try and demonstrate what a bad idea defunding the war's continuation is.

    God forbid that anybody manage to provoke open hostilities between US forces and Iran. Once it starts, it won't matter who started it, there'll be a groundswell of renewed support for the war.

    On the topic of peace groups, this is absolutely adorable.

  3. Michael, I get busy for a few days and POOF, your blog's gone. Did you move it??

  4. Michael's blog has moved. He gave up on Blogger resolving its difficulties.

    The link I have on my list is the correct one.

  5. Sorry, E.R., I thought I had updated everyone on my new URL. I have kept my Blogger profile, though, both for ease of commenting on blogs like this, and because I am part of a group blog, Mainstream Baptists, which uses Blogger.

  6. You didn't updat me, Michael Hyphenated Name.

    Funny, that!
