Monday, January 15, 2007

On the Music Front

Our Stringed Family
Originally uploaded by paynehollow.

My brother, Dave - who is a vagabond musician/law field laborer in the wilds of Northern California - has a song, "A Child's Cry" that was the Track of the Day at last week.

You can hear that song here.

Also, I just had a note from Tim, formerly of Anabaptist Monk, noting that he was closing down that blog but that we can keep in touch with him at his music blog,

These are two great talented musician types making my favorite music: Homemade.

Also, our friends at Kentuckians for the Commonwealth (, have put together a CD, to raise awareness of the damage done by mountain top removal.

Check them all out.


  1. And definitely be sure to check out Tim's Sasquatch Song and Jean Ritchie's Now is the Cool of the Day on the KFTC CD website.

  2. Dan, you remind me that I need to hook my sister Lisa (who runs the KFTC office in Berea, among other things) with y'all at Jeff Street. Saw the Kentucky cousins over the MLK weekend and think you'd enjoy making the connection.

  3. Great sounds. I enjoy bluegrass and country music.

  4. Sometimes I just want to be a vagabond musician...

    You are right, homemade music is the best kind. And I need to be making more of it! Still haven't made more progress on the Wal Mart song, but I promise to revisit the recording effort shortly. :)

  5. And Dan, thank you for pointing me to! Free mp3 hosting...just what I was looking for to get music on my blog!

    also, a strange coincidence: I was thinking about Sasquatch today, fascinated by the numerous sightings of something we haven't even acknowledged as existing, thinking I should write a Sasquatch song. It will be a bit different than Tim's excellent song, however.

  6. Thanks for the kind words, Dan.
