Monday, January 29, 2007

In this bleak midwinter...

Originally uploaded by paynehollow.
I'm posting this as a test to see if I'm back in business.


  1. It worked, so you must be back in business. Congrats!

  2. I'm still not entirely sure. If I log on to, I can see my blogs. If I log on otherwise, I can't, and yet I seem to have an account, albeit empty?

  3. Well, now my www2.blogger account is gone again!?? Or rather, it's there, but no blogs are.

  4. Always try then get the site to automatically remember you. It will only show the blogs on your profile that have been switched to the new blogger, but you should be able to access all of them from the dashboard. Transfer all of them over to the new blogger asap and that should clear up your problems. At least, I have no more problems seeing Mainstream Baptists (a group blog I'm part of) since it switched over, but I did when it was still in old blogger.

  5. Hi Dan!

    Just thought I'd drop in to say hello. Hope all goes well in your life these days.

    Kim U. :)

  6. Heya, Kim! Good to hear from you. Doin' pretty well, thanks, hope y'all are too.

  7. Hi again!

    We are doin' awesome, thanks for asking. :) Not much farming this winter, but hope "Springs" eternal. ;) Going through seed catalogs does put a planting bug in my overalls for sure.

    Good to see that you are still here, keeping it real. ;) Take care, and feel free to stop by some time for a spot of tea and old-folk jee-jawin'.

  8. Yeah, I was out at a store last Saturday morning and the sun was shining and I couldn't help but picking up some seeds and dream...

    I think I'll do a garden dreams post next, see what folk are planning at this point.
