Sunday, December 31, 2006

Here's Hoping...

Cheryl Dancing
Originally uploaded by paynehollow.

Three and a half years ago, in March, 2003, I began to wear a black armband. It was the day of the invasion of the sovereign nation of Iraq.

I wore it to mourn the loss of US lives that began immediately and which have continued unabated. Lives lost in an immoral and ill-conceived war.

I wore it, too, to mourn the loss of innocent Iraqi lives, caught between two madmen.

But perhaps most of all, I wore it because I mourned what it meant to our nation. I was under no illusion that we are an innocent nation - no nation is. But this particular invasion seemed so far beyond the pale of morality, legality or advisability that it was particularly appalling to me.

And it wasn't just the invasion of Iraq that I grieved, but all that seemed so wrong with many of the policies that the current administration had come to represent - the arrogance, the dependence upon fossil fuels, the allegiance to corporations, the disregard for science and open debate.

I was grieving our lost way.

I wore that armband for nearly every day in the three and a half years since. A reminder. A sign. A protest.

For now, though, I have removed the armband.

Hope for a new year? Maybe. Certainly it's not an expression of belief that the Democratic shift of power will help us find our way much better. And still, the regime that orchestrated so much of what I felt wrong remains in power and unindicted.

Still too, the ideals held in esteem and the systems held in place by most of us grieve me and I don't see much hope for change without a dear cost.

Nonetheless, I'm removing the armband and will keep my hope in my family and community - hope for a better day to come.

Happy New Year...


  1. I think there are CAUTIOUS reasons for a certain amount of hope. At least some steps in the right direction.

  2. If you are cautiously hopeful because one party or another is in power, keep your armband handy. OR better yet, buy a second one.

    Dan, Happy New Year. May the Lord bless you and your family in the coming year. And may your valleys be filled in and your mountains crumble before you as you walk through 2007.

  3. My cautious hope is not related
    per se to the Democrats taking power. As Dan has often put it, they are only slightly less flawed as a party than the GOP. My cautious hope has to do with how clearly the public has turned against the war and demanded the politicians remember who works for whom in a republic. My cautious hope is rooted in seeing more and more churches turn away from the bloodthirsty pseudo-Christianity that celebrates war, hates the poor, and could care less about the planet.
    The steps toward change I am seeing are modest--and the institutionalized forces of power are great. Thus, my hope is cautious. But I think I have seen signs of hope and I hope Dan doesn't feel compelled to buy another armband.

  4. My cautious hope is rooted in seeing more and more churches turn away from the bloodthirsty pseudo-Christianity that celebrates war, hates the poor, and could care less about the planet.

    I don't know what country you live in, but this does not portray any church that I am aware of and I think it is disgraceful to talk about Christ's bride this way.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. [Rolls eyes and sighs heavily]...

    Allow me to echo with all sincerity, Larry Who, who said,

    "May the Lord bless you and your family in the coming year. And may your valleys be filled in and your mountains crumble before you as you walk through 2007."

    Best wishes to you and yourn in the coming year... Truly!

  7. mom2, Christ's bride does not act that way. But lots of churches, and parachurch organizations do. If you don't see it, either you're not looking or you're blinded by something.

  8. Calls to mind an old CSN standard:

    "Almost cut my hair / Happened just the other day / It was getting kinda long / I coulda said it was in my way / But I didn't, and I wonder why / I feel like letting my freak flag fly / Cause I feel like I owe it to someone..."

    - David Crosby

  9. Not familiar with that line, but here's to lettin' our freak flags fly high and mighty this year.

    Happy new year, all.

    And Larry, thanks for the wish, but if it's all the same to you, I'll pray that our valleys remain low and mountains high and that we have the strength and the wisdom to walk them in awe and reverence and joy.


  10. mom2, Christ's bride does not act that way. But lots of churches, and parachurch organizations do. If you don't see it, either you're not looking or you're blinded by something.
    12:37 AM

    You know, ER, you're right about not all churches being the bride of Christ. I HAVE read about some that will not be. Not for the reasons that Michael gave, but for the reasons I've read about on a few sites.

  11. dan, i'm so grateful for your presence and ministry here at payne's hollow.

    your strength and vision is honorable and inspirational.

    i can't imagine you'll need another armband because it seems that your hope is found not in any party but through eyes which manage to see Love Incarnate at work in the world.

    blessings for 2007 and beyond!

  12. Why thank you kindly Miss Mamma.

    A blessed new year to you and yours, as well.

  13. I for one am also deeply grieved by our 'presence' in the Iraq War.

    I can't believe I'm a fellow citizen, veteran, and patriot who belongs to the evil empire (U.S.A.) that has built schools, re-established running water and sanitation, rid the world of an evil Demagogue (Saddam), freed the lives of innocent millions, destroyed murdering cowards, thugs, and evil pukes!

    Ya....we should have never gone to Iraq to do the world so much I mean bad.

    I wish Saddam were still in power and he and his sons were still able to roam the countryside wacking off heads, raping women and children, pulling out tongues and toe nails, breaking bones, and electrocuting the bodies of innocent civilians.

    If you still have that armband, mail it to me, I'll burn it.....I mean wear it in place of you to show the world how proud....I mean disgraced I am with our country!

    (If you can't stand the truth; read no further)


  14. God bless the world--including the U.S.A. No nation is more deserving of blessings than another. But "to whom much is given, much is expected."

    Let freedom ring--by outlawing torture, banning wiretaps without court order and other basic moves for a democracy.

    Fight terrorism--by draining the swamps that produce it. Reject the myth of redemptive violence so embodied by "marcguyver" and his belief that killing is good.

    Spread democracy--by example, not force of arms.

  15. Marc, I'm with you in opposing oppressive leaders who kill their own people. I'm opposed to doing it in illegal manner. I'm opposed to doing it in a way that kills the people we're trying to save.

    Let's overcome evil with good, how about it? You think that's just nice talk for church on Sunday or practical advice in the world today?

  16. Dan, put your armband back on. Wear it in mourning for the millions of pre-born babies murdered each year thanks to your Liberal Supreme court justices, who shamelessly changed instead of interpreted the Constitution.

    Wear it in anticipation of the slaughter of the innocents that will result from the cut and run strategy that the Democrat controlled congress will do if they get their way.

  17. If I were relying upon a party for solutions, Mark, I'd probably wear that black armband for the rest of my life. No thanks.

    But you can borrow my armband if you want. It's already broken in.

  18. Gawd! LOLOLOL!

    Symbolism over substance, eh, Dan?


