Monday, November 6, 2006

I've been to the mountaintop...

Treetop Jesse
Originally uploaded by paynehollow.

This past weekend our church took part in our annual fall retreat.

Some people look forward to Halloween, others to Christmas or Easter as their favorite time of the year. Me? I look forward to our fall retreat.

With time, I'll write more about it later. For now, if you want to see the preliminary slide show, you can see it here:

2006 Jeff St Retreat

You can click on the Slideshow option at the top right of the page or you can look at the individual photos.

Hallelujah and amen!

[By the way, any Jeff Streeters who attended: If you could send me any good photos of yours, I'd be glad to add them to the collection - especially if you have any "Talent" Show shots, I missed most of those. - Dan]

1 comment:

  1. It's a great slideshow! Kate hasn't uploaded our pics, yet, but I'll have her send the best to you.
