Thursday, November 9, 2006

Blue Skies Ahead?

Autumnal Bucolia
Originally uploaded by paynehollow.

I stopped along the river this morning. A fog was lifting. Blue skies were being hinted at above.

Along the river, trees stretched their branches high, nearly clean of their golden leaves.

A new day was upon me, and a new season, too.

The debris of the previous season was carried along by the gentle river, feeding life in its passing.

New days are a good thing. They bring encouragement, hope, a chance to begin again. New seasons remind us that all things pass, the bad and the good, and that life goes on.

Is this to say that the new day is inherently better than the old?

I’d suppose that would depend entirely upon what we do with the new.


  1. One of my favorite things in L'ville is driving along River Rd. I take that route in the mornings when I'm going home after working a 12-hr shift all night. Very peaceful...

  2. Hey, AC, good to see you're still around. I work down near Main St, a block from the river. Not the most scenic spot along the ohio, and Lord, do I despise that diabolical interstate!, but still, it's a nice respite.

  3. Louisville is, in my opinion, a beautiful place. Of course, I guess every place can be a beautiful place if we just look for it.

  4. This will not be my finest moment. I have been as gracious as I know how to be to several conservative bloggers and dialogue partners since Wed. a.m. After all, I've had plenty of practice since 1980 in waking up to results I didn't like.

    But I have to say this to D.Daddio who haunts your blog, Dan: I TOLD YOU that soon you would be the one considered "irrelevant."

  5. Scott - Are you from Louisville? Did I know that? Yeah, I agree Louisville's got a lot of beauty - a lot of green for a city. I think our riverfront work is amongst our best ideas - long overdue and doesn't go far enough - but it's great that we're tackling it.

    Thanks, Cat.

    Michael, behave...

  6. Hey Dan - No, I am not from Louisville. I have visited there once and passed through on a number of occasions.

    I'm from Colorado, lived for a number of years in North Carolina and now reside in Chicagoland.

  7. When Honey and I lived in Jefferson County, we lived in Middletown, KY.

    But my favorite area in Louisville was the Cherokee Parkway area. I loved the homes and architecture. I did some paint contracting work there.

  8. i'm certainly more hopeful that i have been in years!

    leary but hopeful!

  9. What is it about rivers? I'm thinking of a small northern Wisconsin river. As a youth, I
    paddled it many times in many seasons (when a cedar/canvas canoe
    pre-dated yuppy kayaks)..pleasant summer days, wind-whipped thunderstorms, drifing autumn leaves on placid surface, scary early Spring floods. Until early
    December or so, when the ice floes started January the little stream was frozen across and reached only by skis or snowshoe. Every chance I get, I
    return and visit, whether its the
    small source feeder streams in the tamarac swamps, the narrow sandstone cliffs, the loud thundering falls or the final
    flow beneath the bridges of my hometown where it disapperas into a larger river. My old campsites are lost in the bordering forest, but memory knows their exact locations. Many years are past, much water has flowed. What is it about rivers?

  10. wow, very nice, BB. You're welcome back to Payne Hollow anytime.

    HipChick: Yeah, I sort of feel hopeful for our nation, although in reality it's more that I feel that things may be less awful than I think the Dems will do a great deal of good.

    Although I was just reading on Common Dreams an article that says the largest caucus in the House now is the Progressive Caucus! Who knew?

  11. "I’d suppose that would depend entirely upon what we do with the new."

    I don't think it is hard to prdeict what the folks you elected will do "with the new", Dan.

    They'll continue to champion the most irresponsible of policies and continue to remove God from public view.

    I'm sure you'll be cheering them on, of course!

  12. "But I have to say this to D.Daddio who haunts your blog..."


    What a deceptive statement.

    D.Daddio haunt's DAN"S blog?


    I pop in once a week...once every two weeks to leave a comment and I HAUNT his blog?

    Let's see....Dan comes to my blog SEVERAL TIMES a day...he NEVER offers anything but oppsition to my posts...NEVER displays ANY humor...and D.Daddio haunts HIS blog?

    Just goes as more proof that you yahoos have absolutely NO grasp of reality.

    At least a QUARTER of my posts on this blog have not been in opposition to anything Dan says. Many of my comments on this blog are complimentary.

    I challenge any of you folks to navigate the archives of my blog and find more than ONE complimentary comment that Dan has EVER made at my blog.

    And there are a BUNCH of comments for you to sift through because, in reality (you know...that state of being that Dan and his ilk have NO familiarity with), Dan truly haunts Daddio's Dark Side!

  13. But besides his thin cosmetic ghost-veil he wears when he's haunting, there ain't much scary about the unbiblical positions he holds.

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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