Sunday, October 22, 2006

Out of the Ashes

Burnt Sign
Originally uploaded by paynehollow.

A couple of news notes:

First, I had my Yarmuth for Congress sign up three weeks ago. John Yarmuth is the Democrat running for the 3rd Congressional District here in Louisville against arch-Republican, Anne Northup. Northup has voted in support of Bush's and the Republican's policies nearly in lockstep.

In doing so, she has not represented her constituents in our progressive city and it is time for her to go. These policies are demonstrably failed policies.

Anyway, a week after having posted my Yarmuth sign, some coward came along in the dark of night and stole it. A horribly un-American action to take, but sadly not that rare. I promptly replaced the sign.

However, today upon coming home from church, I found my Yarmuth sign burned to the ground. Some fool came in to MY yard and started a fire! I've filed a police report and sent the story to the news. Hopefully, this is an isolated incident. Standing by...

Secondly, I want to announce that my church has kicked off our annual Reclaiming Christmas Project. Information about this year's project can be found at the Jeff Street blog.

The Reclaiming Christmas Project is an effort to simplify our extravagant Christmases and send support to (this year) our Muslim brothers and sisters in Morocco.

Out of the ashes of an unsustainable society, God's Kingdom can always emerge.


  1. Perhaps the local whitesheets had run out of crosses. Chilling.

  2. Hey, Dan. I see you've found "Pastor" Tim. I LOL'd at his request that you not tell me. Beware: He is Daddio in pastoral clothing, with a degree in right-wing Presbyterianism. Good luck!

  3. I've found him mostly agreeable thus far. We'll see. Chilling, indeed, Tim.

    I suspect the actions have been closer to pranks than intimidation. Still.

    Thanks for the notes fellas.

  4. Wow, I'm sorry to hear about your sign Dan. The stealing of the sign is bad enough, but actually burning somethign down in your yard, that is truly unacceptable. That is violation of one's property. Anyway, you don't need me to tell you that, I just haven't commented on your blog in a while.

    By the way, have you ever visited from my blogroll? Lee is another person in Louisville and has written about the political situation recently. He is conservative, but is willing to say negative things about Repubs when they do shady things - Northup's timely "epiphany" that Rumsfeld should be fired, for one.

  5. sorry to hear about them burning your sign dan. you're much calmer than i would expect anyone to be. burning something in one's yard is way crossing the line of decency and pranks.

    good luck with finding the perps.

  6. Thanks, y'all. I'll be sure to check out Lee, Chance.

  7. I'll be sure to warn him :)
