Monday, October 30, 2006

Blue Revolution

Gold Tree Blue Sky
Originally uploaded by paynehollow.

From the Dem's website:

Comes this proposal, a call to action from a flawed party in response to an even more flawed party's seriously flawed current leadership:

When the polls close, we propose that Democrats across the country gather outside their County Election Office for a candlelight vigil to Count Every Vote, all wearing the same color: Blue.

Imagine a Blue Revolution, every bit as joyous and historic as the Orange Revolution in Ukraine, the Cedar Revolution Lebanon, the Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia, and the other democratic revolutions of recent years - right here in the United States of America.

Be sure to vote next week (unless you're voting for most incumbents, in which case, be sure to stay home). Time for a clean sweep, y'all. And by all means, let's keep an eye on them polls and not stand for even a bit of Dieboldery.


  1. Be sure that you watch for corruption in voting on BOTH sides. That is what Jesus would do. He sees all!

  2. I don't really expect to see any Democrat voting irregularities posted here or in the mainstream media either. You can say you are even handed, but it doesn't show.
    It is a joke to expect equal treatment.

  3. mom2,
    I don't know of any recent Democratic voting fraud. Once, absolutely. "Machines" in New York City and Chicago rigged elections often, including counting people long dead. In the South, during segregation, there were very few white Republicans (that came beginning in 1965 as the racists started fleeing the Democratic Party and, even more, in 1968 when Nixon began his "Southern strategy" win over disaffected white Democrats; the same thing was repackaged as an "evangelical strategy" beginning in 1980), so it was Democrats who were responsible for widespread disenfranchisement of African-Americans and, in the Southwest, of Latinos and Asians. But in recent years, widespread voting fraud seems to be a major Republican gig.

    Even handed doesn't mean neutral. I want this version of the GOP out, even though, as Dan said, the Democrats are also flawed. But there is little hope for reform of either party while the Right's tactics are working. They must be defeated for a minimum of 2 cycles for both parties to begin progressive reforms--including electoral reforms that would give more voice to third parties.

  4. "It is a joke to expect equal treatment."

    Do you expect you're more generous towards the Dems than I am towards the Republicans, mom2? That I don't criticize the Dems enough, the way that you criticize the Republicans?

    Can we both agree that we'll oppose any use of Diebold (or other) equipment, improper purging of the ballot rolls, votes from "the dead"?

  5. A young man I know, who was discharged from the military as a conscientious objector in January, went to vote in Ft. Bend County last week. He was not allowed to vote even though he had already registered to vote in Ft. Bend County months ago and had his voter card with him. His name purged?...

    I'm waiting to see what happens with my daughter. Similar situation (she moved from Houston to Austin) and recently received a new voter registration card. They told her she would not be able to vote early, but would have to wait until the 7th. I told her she needed to call and make sure she was eligible to vote in her precinct. We'll see what happens.
