Thursday, September 7, 2006

My Church, Jeff Street

My church, Jeff Street
Original artwork by Jeff Streeter, Charlie Merrill

It occurred to me that, while I’ve talked about my faith, I’ve never really talked about my church here. That’s a shame because I have the privilege of attending a truly fantastic church.

I probably hesitate because I’m not of that school of Christianity that actively proselytizes, trying to recruit folk in to the dipping pond. For us, sharing the Good News has a lot more to do with actual good news than any particular brand of religion.

We’ve been attending Jeff Street Baptist Community at Liberty for ten years now. We are a different sort of church.


  1. Nicely drawn! I could really have a clearer picture of your street in my mind. What was the medium used in that portrait? Watercolor or oil?

  2. If I remember correctly, Charlie told me that it was done with a special kind of colored pencil that you can use water and a brush on to get that effect.

    Thanks for stopping by, ele. Charlie's a great artist and a super guy and we're glad to have him.

  3. I belong to a wonderful Church, as well! God has really blessed us over the past ten years.

    Dan, I just got home from seeing Little Big Town in concert. I found out tonight that they're playing Louisville on the morrow! I thought about you when I heard.

    It was a great show!

  4. This is kind of a blanket comment on all your Jeff Street posts. Dan, your church sounds exactly like the kind of church I'm looking for, and exactly what I think a church ought to be! I've been searching lately for a congregation that lives and worships like what you describe. I've even thought of starting one, if I could get a few bodies together around here!

  5. Cool. Do you know of others where you live who are like-minded?

    Have you checked in to local mennonites and quakers (typically two traditions that I'd find some solidarity with)? Local peace-churches?

    Are there any local Lake Wobegon Churches...?

  6. I have indeed checked into both, and I'm considering attending a Quaker meeting in a city 60 miles away to see what it's like. There is also a new meeting in a small town in Wisconsin maybe 35 miles away, but I'd feel more comfortable going to a larger, more established meeting for a while first.

    I'm gradually getting to know a few like-minded people around here, and I think there may be a lot more if word got around. And there are an abundance of Lake Wobegon-type Lutheran churches that are just getting used to the idea of singing accompanied by stringed instruments, not electric organ, songs that don't appear in the Lutheran Book of Worship! ;) Good comfort factor, but I'm looking for something with a little more spiritual meat on it, so to speak.

  7. Deb, Because I used to be the Outreach Coordinator for Every Church a Peace Church, I often have info./connections on what churches are working for justice and peacemaking in particular areas.

    If you tell me where in Wisconsin you live and how far you are willing to commute, I'll give you a list of what's available--though I would never discourage starting your own.

  8. In the meantime, stop in at Jeff Street next time you're anywhere near. We'll drag all our guitars and mandolins and whatnot out and have a grand ol' time.

  9. Dan, This is awesome. As Deb said, definitely what a church should be. I've enjoyed your past posts on your church's activities. These posts give clarity to them. What a joyful way to live!

  10. just giving you a hard time (if on the square), but driving 60 miles is sure to reduce consumerism and not support a war for oil.

    Lots of overconsumption going on.

  11. Who drives 60 miles? Most of us @ Jeff Street live really close. Many folk come by walking or bus or biking in.

  12. My own church is 14 miles from where I live. I live in a sea of suburban Oklahoma fundamentalism. I have to drive into Oklahoma City proper to find anything nonfundy.
