Tuesday, July 4, 2006

The Trabues at Cowan Creek Music Week

Sarah, Donna and Dan
Originally uploaded by paynehollow.

This last week was a blast. It was great to be around a bunch of folk of all ages and a variety of backgrounds, making music and dancing together. While people came from all over, we were predominantly Kentuckians and folk from this region.

I was proud of and impressed by the music and community-oriented traditions that we have here in Kentucky and the great talent of even the younger students and newer players. I can't imagine a more beautiful or fun way to spend a week, bar nothing. Not Cancun. Not Paris. Not jolly old London-town.

No offense to any of those places, but for me, give me the hills of the southeast and some of its genuine community and music anytime.


  1. What fun! I am working to gently guide my kids away from the video games that seem to have taken over, and into playing music. Of course I haven't been setting the best example myself lately (practice? what's that?) but they're still young enough.

  2. It was fun. Of course, you'll note that my 15 year old boy is absent from the photo. He's past his time for interest in anything acoustic for the time being.

    Still, "raise them up in the ways they should go," and all that.

  3. Did you make any recordings that you could upload for us to listen to? I know Deb made some of her music available last year. I would love to "hear" what you were up to. Glad you had a good trip, Dan. :0)

  4. I've made some video recordings of some of the various players (not us so much, though) but I'm not sure that I know yet how to upload them or audio files either.

    Any help?

  5. I don't know how to do that fancy stuff either, but if you find out, I would love to see them. :)

  6. "No offense to any of those places, but for me, give me the hills of the southeast and some of its genuine community and music anytime."--Dan

    Gosh, Dan! I am in complete agreement with this statement!

    I've been lucky enough to travel around the world in my lifetime--lived on the island of Crete, Japan, and the UK. I told an aquaintance just the other day that if It wouldn't bother me ...much... if I never left the county again!

    I love these, here hills!

    Really, you chided me about my temporary username-change a couple weeks ago, but if you're around me long enough you'll understand that the "Al-Ozarka" suffix is quite appropriate for this hillbilly!

    Come Explore my neck of the woods sometime!

  7. Whats that you're picking on there?

  8. Yamaha.

    You're a bluegrass kinda guy, too, right JT?

    Perhaps, if nowhere else, you, Daddio and I can gather in harmony around a bit of high lonesome.
