Monday, July 17, 2006

Hotdogs 15 cents

Hotdogs 15 cents
Originally uploaded by paynehollow.


  1. What I love about this picture is on the far right -- you can't make it out in the thumbnail, but in the full-size version -- below the words "ALL BEEF" and "Hamburger" they add, in case anybody wasn't sure: "on a bun"

  2. This wasn't no cheap bunless hamburger joint, no sir.

  3. Great picture, Dan!

    I've been taking shots of old buildings to at least preserve their memories.

    I'm always on the look out!

    Good job!

  4. Back in elementary school days (the 50's), I remember a place in Abilene, Kansas that used to sell hamburgers, with buns, catsup, mustard, relish, for 10 cents. They were small but a real treat when the real thing cost 25 cents at most places.

  5. A friend of mine posted this picture recently -- I don't know for sure but assume he shot it somewhere in Los Angeles.

    Note the top piece of graffiti on the right half of the building, which seems to read "401k" . . .

  6. You reckon that graffiti's the work of some unemployed financier...?

  7. Back when I was in High School (I am now telling my age) a new fast food burger place was born called "Burger Chef"...hamburgers were 15 cents. The sign is still there. Every time I take one of my cats to the vet I pass it and never have my camera with me. My camera will be with me the next time.

  8. I vaguely remember Burger Chef, and 15 cent hamburgers and meals for under $1. Been a while for that.
