Sunday, June 18, 2006

Mossy Creek

Mossy Creek
Originally uploaded by paynehollow.

We're back from a week on the West Coast. We visited Portland for several days (Donna had a wonderful conference) and then traveled to Seaside, OR for a few days where we visited the temperate rainforest and traveled along the coast spotting some magnificent monoliths. More to come on our travels and experiences.


  1. we're going in july (to portland)! your family pics are wonderful! thanks for sharing! i especially like sarah and the big foot!

    if you have any tips for our or trip feel free to pass them on!

  2. If you can at all get to the coast, it is lovely. The towns of Seaside, Cannon Beach and Astoria are all within about 2 hours of Portland and we loved it.

    I could have spent a month out in the rainforest which runs up and down the coast with nothing but a sleeping bag and some warm clothes, if that's your kind of thing. Also the monlithic rocks out in the Pacific shoreline are a sight to see.

    Downtown Portland itself is cool for those who like seeing less dependency upon personal autos. Bus and train service in the downtown area is free! The cars all drive a safe 15-25 mph, it seemed to me. Walking was easy and there's gobs of stores there, if that's your interests. It's a great place to bike, too and cyclists are all over the place.

    Once you start driving, then things slow down quite a bit. We spent an hour to travel ten miles when we got back in to Portland at rush hour (which lasts from 4-6 at least).

    Myself, I enjoyed the coast a great deal more than I did Portland, but that's me.
