Friday, April 28, 2006


a bit of silliness...

Got a monkey on my back

his name is Ronald

A fast food monkey

and he just McTumbles me

Grumbles me

Every day he

humbles me

Going to his

happy shiny doors.

I'm a junk food whore.

Keeps me coming back for

"Special" sauce, wilted lettuce

"We're the Master, don't upset us!

We will continue to have it our way."

And, of course, I obey

There is no other way.

Must do as commercials say.

I obey.

Got a monkey on my back.

Got a monkey on my back.

Got a monkey on my back.

Got a monkey

ad nausea...


  1. deb do you mean "i'm lovin' it!"


  2. That's Rap! I can hear the beat box in my head now.


  3. That's Rap! I can hear the beat box in my head now.


  4. Ya that you mention it, it does!

    I wonder what are the odds that we could get Mickey D's to buy this and use it as their next jingle - catch that whole funky urban generation that likes to be dealt with straighton?

    Get a bit of Snoop Dog and Eminem happening as spokes-rappers?
