Monday, March 6, 2006

Poetry and Music

Dan and Sarah
Originally uploaded by paynehollow.

Today, I'll offer a few photos of Trabues fiddling around as well as some poetry.


  1. Photos?? The heck with that! Let's have the soundtrack!

  2. One technology at a time.

    (Does anyone have a short primer on how to add music files?)

  3. very cool, looks like a great time and i bet it sounds wonderful too!

  4. I feel privileged to have a copy of the soundtrack! Homegrown music is the best kind. Thanks for sharing the photos and poetry.

    There is a service called Audioblogger, but it involves calling a toll number and playing/singing into a phone; I don't think I could do that gracefully. Or if you have a personal Web site (not a Blogger blog) you can upload an mp3 file and post a link on your blog. Laura (arc-o-logist) did that with her song a week or so ago. I'm not up to that level of technology quite yet.
