Monday, September 12, 2005

Bush Approval Ratings

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Bush's job approval has dipped below 40 percent for the first time in the AP-Ipsos poll, reflecting widespread doubts about his handling of gasoline prices and the response to Hurricane Katrina.

Nearly four years after Bush's job approval soared into the 80s after the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, Bush was at 39 percent job approval in an AP-Ipsos poll taken this week. That's the lowest since the the poll was started in December 2003. -Associated Press

How low can he go? How low can he go?

It's the Presidential Limbo!


  1. HA-HA!

    All I've got to say is that if 60% of the people who are responsible for MY paycheck disapproved of my job performance, I'd be out.

    So how come 60% of US citizens, who hired Dubyah for the job (alledgedly) think he sucks and he still has his nice comfy office?

  2. The 40% who still approve of W see him in a sort of messianic way. To many evangelical Christians, Bush is speaking for and acting on behalf of God Himself. Many of our congressional members have districts that have large numbers of evangelicals and Christian soccer moms. They are not gonna rock the boat too hard.



  3. "So how come 60% of US citizens, who hired Dubyah for the job (alledgedly) think he sucks and he still has his nice comfy office?"

    Because we don't have the guts to throw him out. The people in Ukraine and other countries know what to do with corrupt leaders. We're too busy watching Prison Break. If all the people who wanted Bush out of office went on strike and shut this country down, or otherwise performed mass acts of civil disobedience, we'd be able to get it done eventually. But I suspect most of the people in this country, myself included, would rather let him have his day than have their heads bashed in by the police for a little regime change.

  4. Kevin has it right. It all goes back for me to the "me" mentality that capitalism indoctrinates into society.

    "Hey, I can't stand Bush, but as long I'm not suffering I'm just going to ride it out."

    Sad, sad...

  5. I think folks should take a personal poll. Does 40% of you like him and 60% of youdislike him? I have got to say that my personal rating is a lot more like 10/90

  6. You may be right Dr. Kear, but another part of me wonders if it is that he is seen in a Messianic way, or that we are just so d&^% prideful in this society that it has become nearly impossible for for us to admit we were wrong. Or maybe its that birds of a feather flock together, since from what I recall "W" isn't particualrly talented in that respect either.

  7. thats weird, i thought bush had the people's mandate...

    hahaha. i guess those 51% of americans are experiencing buyer's remorse.

  8. did gyre and gimbel in the wabe...
