Tuesday, August 30, 2005


A letter submitted to the editor in the local paper:

I was reading the paper yesterday and I was outraged at what I read. And I'm not talking just about Kentucky governor's pre-emptive strikes against justice ("Fletcher Pardons Nine"). [For those not familiar with the story, Governor Fletcher has several cabinet members and croneys under investigation and indictment for breaking hiring laws.]

I was also outraged to read the story of an accused murderer who "kills because he is the leader of a gang and he feels it is his right," and who has told "lie after lie and fiction after fiction."

However, in the midst of all my anger, it did occur to me that the lawyer for this accused murderer and liar might have a great lead on how to defend his defendant. He should check and see if the accused is a republican (his "above the law" attitude suggests he might be).

If so, then he can simply get the governor to pardon him. Sure, it would be a travesty of justice and morality, but Fletcher has proven he's up to the task.


  1. You should live in Texas. It's even worse here.

  2. You're a brave person, there alone on the frontier...

    On the upside, it's probably pretty easy to remember everyone on the Liberal Mailing List in TX. Let's see, there's you and Molly Ivins and.....

  3. :)...Ya got that about right! Thank God for the Texas Observer, a lone voice on the frontier. Did I mention how hot it is here?...just ask Cindy.

  4. Has anyone considered the possibility that big government does not work?

  5. I feel your pain, dude. I was so pissed when I got up the other morning and heard them talking about this on the radio. So much for cleaning up Frankfort.

    I also loved how he took the Fifth. Way to take responsibility.

    Oh, and I loved how he compared his screw up to a fishing violation!! WTF?!

    And another thing!! how the hell do you pardon folks for possible future convictions?? Again...WTF?!

    (i really wish they didn't block blogger at work...then i wouldn't hold this stuff in and spew it all at once.)
