Thursday, June 9, 2005

An Honest Cool

Okay. I'm back, sort of.

Once I finished our vacation, I had to go out of town for work.

So, until I have a chance to regroup, I'll celebrate the onslaught of Kentucky's hot and humid 90 degree weather with a pre-recorded rant, of sorts.

an honest cool

You may keep your mechanized ice wind

and your chilled illusions of comfort.

Keep your indoor, in car, in sidious summer "life"

and rest easy in your climate-controlled hell.


give me the quiet honest cool

of a sweet night breeze

at the end of a hard warm summer day.

I'll gladly take respite from the sun's rays

in the smooth gray shade

of a gracious oak.

I will celebrate the splash of a spring fed creek

and the sprinkle of children at play

and the sudden summer shower

at the end of a long august day

and I will rest my head

soft and easy

on my pillow and sleep.


  1. Great to see you back, Dan--I've missed your posts!

    I agree; I've always had a dislike for air conditioners. Maybe it comes from growing up without one, here in Minnesota where you maybe could use one for one week in the summer. I would rather feel the heat of a 90 degree day so I could better enjoy the feel of a swim in my pond or the cool evening breeze.

  2. We been AC free for about 4 years now :)

    Glad you had a good time. The girls and I are doing "hike Kentucky" this summer. Hope to see you on some trails!


  3. Oh you guys are a strong lot. :)
    We've had central for 15 years now and I won't live without it. Getting older has brought me less tolerance for allergies and humidity. So I enjoy both worlds now..the glorious outdoors and then relief when I return inside.

    Nice to see you back...

  4. Don't heap too much praise on us.

    Here's the disclaimer: We DO have central air in our current house. But not in our previous house (where I was when I wrote the above poem) and only because have it now because it came with the house.

    Further disclaimer: Since it's there, we do tend to use it, but only a few days a year.

    Final disclaimer: We have the advantage of being allergy-free, asthma-free, etc: I certainly understand a certain need for a/c by some.

    Let the charges of hypocrisy fly!

  5. another payne hollow fan greatful for your return! i love your appreciation for the heat and its natural respites. while i enjoy the respites, after spending 8 years living in beatiful humidity free colorado and then returning to the intense heat and humidity of the midwest---i need my ac! i wonder how we ever managed without it, and am grateful for it now. altough i keep hoping that we'll be back in colorado soon and then we'll have little if any need for an air conditioner. i'll admit it, i'm a wimp.:>)
