Friday, May 27, 2005


Let's stretch that in to a summer and the summer in to a season and the season in to a year...or at least a season. Let's bike, walk, explore this grand ol' world in person, how about it?

I have been out wandering
I have travelled far
And one conclusion I have made
Is God don't own a car

God don't wear no fancy clothes
God'd rather take the bus
God would pay a tourist fare
So God could sit with us!

St. Jimmy of Buffett

The automobile is self-necessitating. That is, because everyone has a car, a quarter of the land in the city is devoted to streets, freeways, parking lots, garages and filling stations, making the city so big that one needs a car to get around. Because everyone has a car, mass transit is inadequate, making the use of a car necessary. Because everyone has a car, the air is polluted, making it healthier to drive a car than to walk or bicycle. Because everyone has a car, riding a bicycle is a dangerous frightening experience.

From a thesis at the now-defunct


  1. Hmmmmm...
    St. Jimmy of Buffett,
    is he a LOSER too?


  2. Obviously. And, by extension then, God, too.

    I suspect a conspiracy of losers that goes right to the top!

  3. Another benefit of bicycles: If you hit a dog with your bicycle the dog will not die...unless it's a really small dog and you're going fast.

    A humble loser.

  4. Blessed are the losers, for they shall inherit the earth...

    From one "loser" to another, keep on losing! *grin*

    Happy 3-day weekend!

  5. It would appear we have a quorum of losers here! Let the revolution begin!

    Off to work on my bike now. Do you have any advice about fixing derailleurs that won't move?
